Beth Graduates from UBC

May 24, 2007

all photos ©copyright 2007,2008,2009 the Modell Group

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ubc_chan1 bc_chan2 ubc_chan3 ubc_chan4 ubc_chan5
UBC Chan1.jpg BC Chan2.jpg UBC Chan3.jpg UBC Chan4.jpg UBC Chan5.jpg
initial_greetings beth_enters the_great_mace_1 the_great_mace_2jpg faculty1
Initial greetings.jpg Beth enters.jpg the Great Mace 1.jpg the Great Mace 2jpg faculty1.jpg
faculty2 faculty chancellor_remarks hkin_class_rep calling_the_names
faculty2.jpg faculty.jpg Chancellor remarks.jpg HKin class rep.jpg calling the names.jpg
beth_announced watch_your_step careful_on_steps final_remarks the_new_grad
Beth announced.jpg watch your step.jpg careful on steps.jpg final remarks.jpg the New Grad.jpg
proud_mama proud_papa proud_parents annie_beth_ruth_1 annie_beth_ruth_2
proud Mama.jpg proud Papa.jpg proud Parents.jpg Annie,Beth,Ruth_1.jpg Annie,Beth,Ruth_2.jpg

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